What an unusual kitchen set up and guests can watch from above! I like the idea of everything being in reach. Julia, you have lived such an interesting life! Thanks for sharing your story.
What an unusual kitchen set up and guests can watch from above! I like the idea of everything being in reach. Julia, you have lived such an interesting life! Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you! I should have said in the interview: the kitchen was really cheap. Everything from IKEA. They have a really good understanding of storage will all manner of shelving and crate options.
What an unusual kitchen set up and guests can watch from above! I like the idea of everything being in reach. Julia, you have lived such an interesting life! Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you! I should have said in the interview: the kitchen was really cheap. Everything from IKEA. They have a really good understanding of storage will all manner of shelving and crate options.